Insight Garden Program

Insight Garden Program transforms incarcerated folks’ lives through connection to nature.

IGP facilitates an innovative curriculum combined with vocational gardening and landscaping training so that people in prison can reconnect to self, community, and the natural world. This “inner” and “outer” gardening approach transforms lives, ends ongoing cycles of incarceration, and creates safer communities.

Our model is a real solution to some of the most pressing issues impacting people in prison and reentry. We are now at an exciting crossroads in our evolution – expanding throughout California and nationally!

With the United States spending more than $80 billion/year nationally on the prison-industrial complex, we can’t afford not to do this work.

“What inspired me about Insight Garden Program was it was a safe place where I learned to meditate and discover my reconnection to nature and the gardens. This has allowed me to successfully transition to a stable job and be present with my family and community in a way that I never have before. I have a different way of being in the world and the space that I hold in it.” 

– Bilal Coleman, IGP Graduate


Read more about the success stories of IGP participants