Insight Garden Program


Because we believe in a collaborative, participatory approach to change, we are focused on building relationships with other programs that support efforts to reduce recidivism and restore people and communities through programming, reentry resources, legal avenues, and sustainability in prisons.

Working inside a prison also requires close collaboration with a variety of key stakeholders, including corrections, volunteers, staff, and other organizations, like those listed below, that support and empower the collective restoration of people and communities.

California Reentry Program

Insight-Out (GRIP Program)

Insight Prison Project

Lettuce Grow (prison garden program in Oregon)

Partnership for Safety and Justice

Planting Justice

Prison Law Office

Prison University Project

Prisoners Literature Project

Sustainability in Prisons Project Network

The Horticultural Society of New York (Riker’s Island Gardens)

Transformative Climate Communities Program (City of Stockton)